Wednesday, July 27, 2005

"black like me"

"Black Like Me" is one of the most revealing books that i have read. it not only reveals the racism that existed in america, it also makes you peep inside and look at the subtle prejudices that we form in our everyday life.

the author of the book John Griffin darkened his skin (through medical means) and lived in the world of the black man to experience their reality … this book is his journal of living as a “negro” and as he says “I offer it in all it’s crudity and rawness”. his sorrow, despair and shame when he realizes how deep the prejudices are and how there are so many people who are in complete denial of the issue is very heart rendering.

his analysis and conclusion about the issue are also very informative. one of the main reasons he cites for white supremacy is lack of communication amongst the races . as per his findings, the white man never communicated honestly with a “Negro”. as he says in his book - "always, in every encounter even with good whites, we had the feeling that the white person was not talking with us but the image of us".

even though this book is about racism in america, i think the book is relevant in all times and places. the prejudices, lack of communication and dishonesty within ourselves are prevalent everywhere and that’s what this book knocks at....

one of the passage from the book that really touched me...

“The music consumed in its blatant rhythm all other rhythms, even that of the heartbeat. I wondered how all of this would look to a casual observer, or to the whites in their homes. “The niggers are whooping it up over on Mobile Street tonight”, they might say “they are happy” or as one scholar put it, “despite their lowly status, they are capable of living jubilantly.” Would they see the immense melancholy that hung over the quarter, so oppressive that men had to dull their sensibilities in noise or wine or sex or gluttony in order to escape it? The laughter had to be gross or it would turn to sobs, and to sob would be to realize, and to realize would be to despair. So the noise poured forth like a jazzed-up fugue, louder and louder to cover the whisper in every man’s soul “you are black. You are condemned”. This is what the white man mistook for “jubilant living” and called “whooping it up”. This is how the white man can say “they live like dogs” , never realizing why they must, to save themselves, shout , get drunk, shake the hit, pour pleasures into bellies deprived of happiness. Otherwise, the sound from the quarter would lose order and rhythm and become wails."

Monday, July 11, 2005

quick update...

have not written about our journey for the last so many days…in between this time, we went for a back packing hike in the grand teton…camped in isolated wilderness with no body around us for miles and the only sound that could be heard was of animals or of the wind hitting the giant trees (we saw a woodpecker for the first time pecking the wood with all it’s might to look for something to eat)….it was a tiring yet refreshing experience. From grand teton we headed to the yellow stone national park – one of the most beautiful and dynamic park in north America…did a lot of site seeing and saw a lot of geysers and springs with amazingly beautiful colors formed because of the algae and bacteria that thrive in these springs…making us realize how resilient life is. Also got to see quite some wild life at the park - elks, bisons, marmots and even a bear though from a safe distance.

From Yellowstone we went to glacier national park….once again we witnessed so much of beauty outside formed because of so many forces of nature (including the destructive forces) that came together over a millions of years….all the beauty encouraging to cultivate the beauty within.

We were also lucky to be able to attend the 59th annual native American festival and got to learn more about the black feat native Americans in browning – native americans from all over the us come to celebrate this powwow….it was a wonderful and the most colorful experience…lots of dances, beautiful, colorful and elaborate dresses, broad smiles and excitement everywhere. It was quite funny telling these people that we were Indians from India J. Something that really impressed me was their way of singing and beating the drums…there was a group of 8 to 9 young men sitting around a big drum …beating it and singing with all their might, energy and passion. i don’t know how to describe the singing…at times it was like soulful and haunting wails…and at times it reminded us of howl of animals…we are not sure if they were using words in their singing or not….but watching them sing with so much of passion did touch our hearts.

Yesterday, we entered Canada and are now in the waterton park (Canadian side of the glacier national park).

*** did I tell you that in these last couple of days , we lost our car keys twice…once when amit threw the car keys into the garbage can with the other garbage…you have to realize that it was not easy to open the garbage can because it was one of those bear protected trash cans. eventually we were able to open the can but not before becoming an amusing spectacle for a lot of people….

The second key experience was at the st. mary campground where amit kept the car keys in his jeans pocket and then decided to change into shorts…neatly folded his jeans and kept it inside the car and locked the car…only to realize immediately that the key is inside!! Thanks to AAA we got our keys.

Will keep you posted on more key experiences.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Glacier National Park

beargrass valley..enroute to iceberg lake.. Posted by Picasa

Glacier National Park

more dances... Posted by Picasa

Glacier National Park

iceberg trail.. Posted by Picasa

Glacier National Park

spring flowers enroute to the hidden falls trail.. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Glacier National Park

drumming and singing.. Posted by Picasa

Glacier National Park

singing for the dance.... Posted by Picasa

Glacier National Park

indian festival at browing Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 08, 2005

Glacier National Park

our campsite in the beautiful meadows of glacier national park.. Posted by Picasa

glacier national park..

aspen, pine and fir growing together... Posted by Picasa

glacier national park...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

yellowstone national park...

canyon at yellowstone national park Posted by Picasa

yellowstone national park...

beautiful green.... Posted by Picasa

yellowstone national park...

different colors in a spring...caused by bacterias and algae that thrive here... Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 04, 2005

yellowstone national park...

mid geyser basin at yellowstone national park Posted by Picasa

yellowstone national park

amit and an elk :-) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 02, 2005

back country hiking at Grand Teton...

ice lake Posted by Picasa

back country hiking at Grand Teton...

beautful meadows of glacier lilies (backcountry hiking) Posted by Picasa

back country hiking at Grand Teton...

our camp site in the wilderness.... Posted by Picasa

back country hiking...

one of the many beautiful vistas during the hike... Posted by Picasa

back country hiking...

back country hiking...canyon trail to ice lake... Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 01, 2005

the lost battery....

we drove to the grand teton park last night…what can I say about the beauty of this is Grand!! Pristine lakes are found all around the place with beautiful cobbled stone around them. the tetones look magnificent with nothing around them to challenge their beauty…there is a rich diversity of wild life (we have already spotted 2 bisons and a moose).

We had planned to do a day hike (in silence) to lake solitude…it is about a 14 mile hike with about 2 miles via soon as we boarded the boat, amit realized that he was not carrying battery for his camera…he surely did not want to do the hike without his third eye …more so he realized that his extra battery was still happily getting charged in the salt lake city state library!! Whew!! Amit had a long face and had a tough time believing that he had betrayed the battery and the charger and left them behind in salt lake city (300 miles away). Anyway, once again we got an opportunity to explore the goodness that exists around us and we were not disappointed…we called the salt lake city library and talked to a very helpful lady at the other end….she confirmed that the battery and charger were snuggly plugged in..right where amit had left them…we decided to send her a self address envelope and she promised to mail the battery and the charger to us!

Meanwhile, amit is trying to find intermediate ways of charging the battery…