we went to sri yogananda's self realization fellowship temple in encinitas. the temple was closed but the garden and the hermitage was open. these are beautiful gardens right on the side of the ocean and have a very beautiful view of the ocean. we could feel a lot of positive energy in that place...amit and i meditated in the gardens for sometime and it was very rejuvenating.
***while meditating i realized that when i was experiencing being in the moment and if i started putting it in words in my mind, the experience would just vanish.
during our visit to srf gardens, i read a passage from “present moment wonderful moment” by Thich Nhat Nanh. it was about practicing mindfulness by using “gathas” (“gathas” are short verses which can be recited during dialy activities to practice indfulness) i read the gatha for getting up in the morning which is as follows –
“waking up this morning, i smile.
twenty-four brand new hours are before me.
i vow to live fully in each moment
and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.”
after reading it, i closed my eyes to be mindful at that moment and when i opened my eyes, i saw this very young girl (about 4 yrs) who was looking at the marble bench on which i was sitting with wonder and twinkle in her eyes. she called her mom and asked her to feel the smoothness and the coolness of the marble bench with her hand. right there she gave me an example of mindfulness and how that can keep you in awe of simple things of life...
after srf, we went to la jolle beach. amit really wanted to snorkel and i wanted to go kayaking but unfortunetaly, we were quite late and also the weather was not the best for these activities. instead, we just decided to swim and enjoy the beautiful waves of the ocean. even though it was quite cloudy and windy, the water was not that cold and it was simply great to be hitting the waves.
now, we are driving to casa grande, arizona and are almost about to reach. i am writing this while amit is driving and listening to music. for most part of the journey, i was driving and amit was planning the next few days at sedona. i loved the drive--reflecting on the last few days and listening to some great music (thanks to all of you out there who not only gifted the ipod to us but also loaded it with beautiful music...you guys are the best!!)...while driving eastward away from the ocean, i felt a little sad because we were moving away from the ocean...i realized that i really love the ocean …i think it is very reflective in a lot of ways...i also love the vibrancy that is associated with the ocean...i love the smile the ocean brings on so many faces…ocean also invariable gives me a very surreal feeling and i find it so much easier to be in the moment when i get that feeling J
*** lesson of the day is to practice mindfulness.
*** i was thinking about service and compassion and acceptance and i realized that most of the time it is easier to practice acceptance with strangers...it is easier to forgive and forget their rudeness or rowdiness or ingratitude and be equanimous. but it is difficult to stay equanimous in such situations with your friends and relatives...i think it is because when you interact and form a relationship, you start expecting a certain behavior...a certain set of reactions..and it is your expectations that stop you from being equitable or forgiving or accepting their mistakes. once again --the key is to be aware and practice acceptance.
---- we camped at campgrounds Buena Tierra…it was extremely hot and the campgrounds were absolutely barren and we literally slept on gravel. But to my surprise, the camp ground had a wireless internet connection, had excellent bathrooms and showers and also had cable tv hook up connections (though I couldn’t understand as to why would anybody come for camping and watch tv!!)