salt lake city....

mormon temple...

we spent the last 3 days at Salt lake City. our temporary home was at lagoon campgrounds …not the best of campgrounds but served our purpose as it was close to the city that we wanted to visit.
While at Salt Lake City, we visited the Mormon Church which looks magnificent and beautiful from outside…too bad that they don’t allow non-Mormons to view the temple from inside. Interestingly, we met a few people who were volunteering in the church..they spoke very passionately about their religion and asked us questions about our religion and beliefs…one of the young girl even challenged us about seeking the Truth through Mormonism.
I did not relate very well with the beliefs that they mentioned to us but I surely do respect their immense Faith ….the Faith that helped the early settlers to cross miles to find a place not inhabited by anybody else and then making that place so prosperous…the Faith that helped them build this huge and beautiful temple in 1847…it is said that the stones that were used for the constructions of the temple were from cottoncreek canyon and it took them 3 to 4 days to get each stone to the temple site. ….it took them 40 years to make the temple.
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