horse shoe bend (glen national park)

a very awe inspiring sight…there is a quarter of a mile hike to reach this bend and what you see simply cannot be put in words or captured by a is one of earth's natural wonders…you see the colorado river snaking it's path and it is difficult to imagine that this is the river that has carved so much of beauty while finding a path for itself….the giant rock or mountain in the middle (which is probably 240 million years old) stands proudly ..defying all natural forces that have tried to bring it down. we sat there and meditated in the beauty of this place watching the sun go down….there was absolute silence…the kind of silence that either scares you or inspires you…a large crow flew past where we were sitting…and we could hear the flapping of the wings…reminded me of the movie “winged migration”.
Amit was in a dilemma here…whether to sit and absorb the beauty or to capture it with his camera…he eventually decided to do both.
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