Sunday, March 20, 2005


When we are going through a bad phase and are suffering, we often ask the question "why me?". I also asked the same question for Nancy when I heard that most likely she is going to have a miscarriage. I was so distressed and I kept asking as to why is it always have to be Nancy? We (myself,zina and nancy) were born in the same family but why is that Nancy has had to struggle for every small thing in life while I have had everything in a platter?!! And then I thought about Simi, who lost her children in Tsunami...she and her husband were escaping and had held their children very strongly but they couldn't hold them strong enough and lost both their children...what could be a bigger tragedy than this?? I still don't have the answer to my previous question but I do have a lot of gratitude for so many things that have worked out for me and for Zina and for Nancy. I also have a lot of prayers for Nancy and her new born daughter, who is fighting so many odds and is hanging in there and giving us new hope everyday.
But then I wonder - why is that tiny little being suffering so much? What did she do to deserve so much of pain as soon as she came into this world. The buddhists would say that it is her "bad karma" of previous life and she is exhausting her bad karma. I just hope that she gets a chance to accumulate good karma now!


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