- today, while listening to Rev. Heng Sure , i once again felt the need to cultivate all that i cerebrally know...all what he said about awakening, spirituality, awareness, mindfulness in everyday life made perfect sense. the problem with us is that we cerebrally know and understand a lot of these things but to cultivate it in daily life requires deep sincerity...e.g. we all know that before reacting to any situation in anger or frustration, we should think and reflect and then act. but how many times are we able to practice it? isn't it easier to react at that moment? but isn't it also true that after reacting, we regret when our mind has cooled down and after we have reflected on the matter?? Won't it be good if we are able to control our reactions? And reduce the number of regrets in our lives?
- the key to all practice is awareness, awareness and awareness.
- i realized today that we often judge people harshly to feel good about ourseleves. so if we start loving ourselves, we might not feel the need to judge people harshly.
- the key to all practice is awareness, awareness and awareness.
- i realized today that we often judge people harshly to feel good about ourseleves. so if we start loving ourselves, we might not feel the need to judge people harshly.
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